Attivo 8 mesi, 2 settimane fa ProfiloAttivitàPortfolioRisorse condiviseMedia 46 Tutti46 Album3 Foto40 Video6 FavList0 Create an Album Titolo dell'Album: Album Description : Crea Album Please login You need to be logged in to upload Media or to create Album. Clicca HERE to login. Galleria Media Carica Mandalorian artwork 2 Mandalorian artwork 1 Comp 1 (0-00-00-00)~2 Halo infinite fan made Halo infinite fan made 2 0:31 DESERT ROCK~1 ROCK STAR (2 di 3)~1 ROCK STAR (1 di 3)~1 ROCK STAR (3 di 3)~1 1:00 CLOTH SIMULATION IN BLENDER MOON 3d_1 MARS 3d 1_1 GIOVE 3d 2_1 GIOVE 3d 1_1 VENUS 3d_1 TERRA MB 1_1 TERRA E LUNA 3d1_1 TERRA DA LUNA 3d 1_1 TERRA 2 3d_1 SUN TERRA 1_1 SATURN 3d_1 GIOVE 3d 1_1 2:00 PLANETS BLENDER 2 concept 2 Concept per un cortometraggio FB_IMG_1627056756205 FB_IMG_1627056760622 0:59 ALIEN LAND WITH MOTO~1 ARTW CUBE SNOW FINAL IMG-20210625-WA0005 Untitled_1 1:00 ALIEN CORNFIELD BR~1 0:59 MISSING HOME SHORT FILM Screenshot_20210220_102946_com Screenshot_20210220_102858_com Perseverance render n2 Perseverance render 1 SCIFI LANDSCAPE 1 Scifi astro 1 Concept e riferimenti ASTRO BLENDER CARLOS (2 di 4) PLANT SHORT FILM FRAME HALO RENDER EEVEE 1 HALO RENDER 2 THE GATE concept art Scifi concept art 1 Carica altri