Attivo 4 anni, 2 mesi fa ProfiloAttivitàPortfolioRisorse condiviseMedia 58 Tutti58 Album8 Foto58 Video0 FavList0 Create an Album Titolo dell'Album: Album Description : Crea Album Please login You need to be logged in to upload Media or to create Album. Clicca HERE to login. Frigidarium | Stabian Baths | Pompeii \"From the Survey to the Digital Reconstruction of the frescos of the Frigidarium in Pompeii\" This research project proposes a reconstruction of the male Frigidarium of the Stabian Baths of Pompeii. The main goal was that of proposing a digital-philological reconstruction of the frescos that originally decorated the walls of the cylindrical space, of which only a vague trace remains. Carica Hypothesis of digital reconstruction of the Frigidarium frescoes Hypothesis of digital reconstruction of the Frigidarium frescoes (2) Digital restitution of the photogrammetric model of the Frigidarium (3) Digital restitution of the photogrammetric model of the Frigidarium (2) Digital restitution of the photogrammetric model of the Frigidarium (1) Carica altri