Attivo 4 anni, 2 mesi fa ProfiloAttivitàPortfolioRisorse condiviseMedia 58 Tutti58 Album8 Foto58 Video0 FavList0 Create an Album Titolo dell'Album: Album Description : Crea Album Please login You need to be logged in to upload Media or to create Album. Clicca HERE to login. NIKOND6 This is my NikonD6! For this model I worked about two months every evening in my free time. I wanted to create a complex and aesthetically beautiful object. So when I saw this Nikon I had no doubts. Everything was done in blender: the model, the procedural textures and the renderings in Cycles. In the end I am quite satisfied with the result Carica 23 15 13 11 10 3 NIKOND6_0 NIKOND6_27 NIKOND6_26 NIKOND6_25 NIKOND6_23 NIKOND6_22 NIKOND6_17 NIKOND6_16 NIKOND6_15 NIKOND6_14 NIKOND6_13 NIKOND6_12 NIKOND6_11 NIKOND6_10 NIKOND6_9 NIKOND6_8 NIKOND6_7 NIKOND6_6 NIKOND6_5 NIKOND6_4 NIKOND6_3 Carica altri