Attivo 4 anni, 2 mesi fa ProfiloAttivitàPortfolioRisorse condiviseMedia 58 Tutti58 Album8 Foto58 Video0 FavList0 Create an Album Titolo dell'Album: Album Description : Crea Album Please login You need to be logged in to upload Media or to create Album. Clicca HERE to login. SJÄLSLIGT Ikea (decoration set) I had these three Ikea cactus at home, so I thought about making them in 3D. In a few hours I modeled and painted them. It was fun. Thanks to my friend Dario Lauita for the inspiration. Modeling, Texturing, and Rendering in Blender. Carica cactus_wire cactus_5 cactus_4 cactus_3 cactus_2 cactus_1 cactus_0 Carica altri